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Broadwater School



Teachers: Mr Matt Hull, Mrs Jo Blanchfield, Mrs Lizzi Matthews, Ms Alex Bayliss, Ms Andie Pothecary and Ms Hollie Slatcher-Thwaites

HLTA: Mrs Janina James

Subject Leader: Mr Matt Hull  Email

GCSE Exam Specification: 

AQA English Language and AQA English Literature


At Broadwater School we have introduced Bedrock Vocabulary for all KS3 students

What is Bedrock Vocabulary?

  • an online vocabulary and reading curriculum
  • teaches students tricky tier 2 vocabulary within the context of aspirational fiction and non-fiction texts.
  • “an interactive multi-modal approach” means the program checks their understanding of and ability to use vocabulary in a number of different ways
  • focus is on “academic vocabulary” and building “cultural capital”

The Process

  • pupils takes an “alpha test”
  • pupils are assigned the vocabulary and prose content that is appropriately challenging for them
  • pupil is given a “block”
  • pupils undertake a pre-test and receive a % score
  • pupils sit a series of 20 minute “lessons” to help learn the vocabulary in that block
  • pupils undertake a post-test and receive a % score
  • live data on time spent/progress made/pre and post scores is fed back to the class teacher

Bedrock at Broadwater School

  • closes the vocabulary gap
  • quality cross curricular sources and content

Students are awarded for…

  • high levels of progress between pre and post quizzes
  • “points” gained through engagement in the tasks can secure entry into regular prize draws
  • individual certificates given to the highest individual progress/points in year groups
  • class certificates given to the class who have collectively achieved the highest points score/progress score

How parents can help with Bedrock

  • parents can also access the data for their child using the parent access code
  • enables them to track the progress of their child and support their language development at home

Further details of the Bedrock Vocabulary scheme available from Miss Bayliss, English Department

British Values 



The poetry module ‘Power and Conflict’ is aimed solely at exposing pupils to the struggles those from Britain and other cultures have suffered historically. Similarly, now a KS3 text, ‘Of Mice and Men’ provides excellent content on attitudes towards outsiders (due to race, gender, age and disability), and exploring this theme proves to be one of the most productive and informative aspects of the whole novel. 

Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

KS4 novels such as ‘A Christmas Carol, and plays such as ‘An Inspector Calls’ are excellent at giving pupils an introduction to basic politics, teaching them the difference between capitalism and socialism and ideas about social responsibility. The Origins scheme of work taught at the start of year 7 also encourages an appreciation of other cultures through an array of different Origin stories.

Mutual respect

Individual liberty

The rule of law

Key Stage 3 

Click HERE to see our long-term curriculum plan for Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8, 9)

Key Stage 4 

Click HERE to see our long-term curriculum plan for Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11)

Click HERE to see additional long-term plan for Year 11

Key Stage 4 Revision Resources 

Textbooks/revision guides:

The text books are: 

  • Macbeth. The Complete play with handy hints and space for notes.
  • An Inspector Calls,
  • A Christmas Carol
  • AQA Poetry Anthology – Power and Conflict Section

We have CGP revision guides, as follows:

  • AQA Power and Conflict Poetry  
  • An Inspector Calls
  • Blood Brothers
  • A Christmas Carol

These are available from the school prices at £3.75 each.


  • BBC Bitesize English Literature ( ‘Of Mice and Men’, ‘An Inspector Calls’, ‘A View from the Bridge’, ‘The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night’ )
  • Sparknotes for all of the above, particularly 10 minute plot summary videos
  • Please note that the two above are not specific to any exam board, so give no useful advice on answering exam questions. They are helpful for plot, characters and themes.
  • is perhaps the most useful tool in boosting the quality of expression
  • is similar to above but the words chosen are not as practical

YouTube channels:


Mr Bruff tutorials:


We are in the process of uploading two video and sound files of ‘Walking talking mocks’ and a PIXL webinar


Spellmania (more of a game, but great for extending vocabulary)

Dictonary (which also includes a thesaurus feature)

Thesaurus - any variety.