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Broadwater School

sports centre/hire our facilities

sports centre/hire our facilities

Broadwater School Sports Centre was established at Broadwater School in 2006 after receiving funding from the Big Lottery (New Opportunities Fund) and Waverley Borough Council. The refurbished Sports Hall and Dance Studio enhances the existing outdoor facilities and have helped to create a sporting centre of excellence.

The Sports Centre offers a full range of indoor and outdoor sports facilities to cater for the demands of young and old alike. The Centre is open to the public from:

  • 5-10pm on Monday to Thursday
  • 5-9pm on Friday
  • 9am-5pm on Saturday
  • 9am-4pm on Sunday

We offer a varied sports and activity programmes. Please contact the Sports Centre Reception on 01483 520658 for further details.

For enquires regarding hiring our facilities, please click HERE.

Please take the opportunity to have a look around the centre - our staff will be more than happy to assist you with any questions you may have.


For further information please contact:

Luke Hill or Jack Godfrey (Sports Centre Managers)
