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Broadwater School

examination results


Examination Results and Information 2023:

24th August 2023

Students at Broadwater School were celebrating after receiving their GCSEs today.

72% of students achieved 4+ in both English and Maths, with an average grade of 5.1 – a similar figure to last year, despite the national average falling sharply to bring figures back to pre-COVID levels.

This means Broadwater School is likely to have an exceptional progress score, once these measures are published later in the year.

Some students commented:

"Overall, I'm thrilled! There's not a single disappointing result in there."

"Way better than I could have ever dreamed about at the start of year 11. I'm in shock."

"These results are unbelievable! The school put so much in place to help me succeed. I can't thank my teachers enough."

"These are just great - every subject is beyond expectations. I have kept so many doors open for future careers."

"What a way to end a brilliant year. I'll miss Broadwater, but these results are amazing!"

Congratulating the cohort, Headteacher Lizzi Matthews added: “I’m hugely proud of our year 11s. They aimed high, worked incredibly hard, and are a wonderful group of kind and caring young people.  They fully deserve their success today and everyone at Broadwater wishes them the very best for the future”.


Examination Results and Information 2022:

We would like to congratulate the class of 2022 on their fantastic GCSE results. Their dedication to their studies have led to some truly remarkable results. We are incredibly proud of each and every student who has worked tirelessly to achieve their results, that are thoroughly deserved. As a cohort they have made exceptional progress with a progress 8 score of +0.35 meaning that over a third of the grades awarded are a whole grade higher than the progress made by students nationally.   This also ranks us 3rd for Progress 8  amongst all Surrey 11-16 schools.

Clearly we are proud of so many of them, but to name a few, we have:

Emily R with 9 grade 9s and 1grade 8

Konrad F with 9 grade 9s and 1 grade 8

Alice A with 4 grade 9s, 4 grade 8s and 2 grade 7s


And for progress we are wanting to congratulate:

Avril H for a P8 score of 3.25

Nerea R for a P8 score of 3.15

Shaun G for a P8 score of 2.62


Department for Education Measure

School Outcome 2022

Progress 8 Score


Percentage achieving a grade 5 or above in GCSE English and Maths


Attainment 8 score


English Baccalaureate (EBacc) average point score (APS)


The percentage of pupils that enter the EBacc


Percentage of students staying in education or employment after key stage 4


Please click HERE to be redirected to the official Department for Education (DfE) results web page.

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