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Broadwater School


Steve Willis Training Parent, Carer & Learner Apprenticeship Webinar - Tuesday 26th and Thursday 28th of March 2024, 7-8pm

If you're interested in pursuing a career in the gas or electrical industry then Steve Willis Training's Apprenticeship Webinar is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the apprenticeship program and the industry as a whole.

The apprenticeship webinar will help give you an overview of the course content and what you can expect if you choose to start an apprenticeship with us in 2024! 

So please sign up HERE and explore the gas and electrical apprenticeship route so you can make a more informed choice about your training and career prospects.

Unifrog Events: (Login to your Unifrog account to access these online events). Scan below to sign up:



Year 11 Students should check out upcoming opportunities with the NCS 

The National Citizen Service (NCS) is a personal and social development programme for 15–17 year olds. Established in 2011, the programme aims to build a more cohesive, mobile and engaged society. By bringing young people together from different backgrounds for a unique, shared experience, NCS helps you to fulfil your potential and broaden your horizons.
NCS is a brilliant opportunity for you all which our school highly recommends and takes place over 2 weeks in your Summer holidays, including being partially residential.  Grab your spaces early as they are selling out fast! If you would like to find out more head straight to their website at