Pupil Premium
What is Pupil Premium funding and why is it important?
In the spirit of ‘By Increments Conquer’ we at Broadwater are relentlessly committed to equality of excellent opportunity and life chances for all of our students regardless of their starting point, right across our school, evidenced in our excellent outcomes.
The Pupil Premium Grant is additional funding to support schools in bringing this commitment to life. It is given so that we can support our disadvantaged or vulnerable pupils in order to close the attainment and progress gap between them and their peers. The Department for Education (DfE) has given schools the freedom to deploy the Pupil Premium according to our knowledge of our pupils’ needs:
‘It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium, allocated to schools per FSM pupil, is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility.’
We are, rightly, accountable for the use and impact of this additional funding. Our principles for the use of our Pupil Premium are predicated on our mission statement:
“To inspire exceptional progress through critical, caring, collaborative and creative thinking”
Central to this in our school is our curriculum, designed and rolled out through our options processes to ensure it meets the needs of all pupils and groups of pupils. Of equal importance is high quality learning and teaching and high expectations throughout the day to ensure the excellent progress and attainment of all pupils and groups of pupils; thus all our investment in our professional learning for colleagues and our self-review and quality assurance processes are governed by this. Alongside all this, we ensure appropriate provision is in place for all those who are vulnerable and the Pupil Premium supports this.
To view our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement, please visit our School Policies & Documents page.