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Broadwater School


I am Miss Pollard and I would like to welcome you to Noctua House which I can proudly say I am head of. This is a very exciting time for Noctua pupils as we are the newest house and collected the most house tokens last year. Noctua house is on the path to taking the school house cup and we will succeed in this by embodying the school principles of work hard, be kind and make a difference. 

As a Noctua pupil you will be:

- in the right place...

- at the right time...

- doing the right thing...

- with the right attitude...

and we will own it.

By following this mantra we will be able to rise to all the challenges  and activities within school both individually and collectively.  This is our fantastic opportunity to put the ‘Noctua’ name out there and watch the house grow and develop.