Curriculum overview
Please click HERE to see the Whole School Curriculum Map
Please click HERE for GCSE Options Information
The curriculum has been designed with the needs of all learners taken into consideration, especially those with additional learning needs and takes into account the Equality Act 2010. Further information can be found in our SEN report, available on our Policy and Documents page.
Our Curriculum Principles
At Broadwater school, we have the highest expectations for all students, delivering a rich and ambitious curriculum that aims to develop:
A knowledge base that is deep and broad
avid and discerning readers
ambitious and resilient young people
thoroughly decent human beings through our school principles of work hard; be kind; make a difference.
Our curriculum leaders, along with their teams, use Big Ideas in their subject areas to bring coherence to our curriculum and support all students to make connections along their learning journeys. Our Big Ideas for each subject area are displayed on the document below. All our curriculum areas are carefully designed to ensure research informed principles are the foundation of our curriculum planning. Our curriculum areas are also iteratively developed to ensure that students are informed and well-equipped for the ever-changing world around them.
For further information about the Broadwater School Curriculum, please contact Mr Smith-Rogers on