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Broadwater School




We appreciate that there may be times when the above standards are not met and as such students will be disciplined using the sanctions outlined.

Disruptive behaviour is anything that stops or slows the momentum of the learning experience for students. Defiant behaviour is any time a student refuses, directly or indirectly to follow the instructions of a member of staff.

Disruptive or defiant behaviours may include:
Calling out
Lack of work
Using a mobile phone or other electronic device
Off task chatter
Lack of immediate cooperation
Non-completion of work
Talking over a teacher
Damaging equipment/property
Distracting others
Poor choice of language
Chewing/eating in class
Headphones in or on display

If behaviour within a lesson is disruptive, the member of staff will give one warning to the student by writing their name on the board, and they will briefly explain why the warning has been given. If a student fails to meet the lesson expectations a second time (this includes arguing with the teacher about the warning), the student will be asked to leave the classroom and go to 'The Base' where they will be 'checked in'. Following a period of reflection, the students will be sent to the Inclusion Room (IR). Students are expected to present themselves at the IR within 5 minutes of leaving the teaching room; failure to do so will result in a Fixed Term Suspension.

On Call
On Call will be used in a lesson if a student refuses to leave a classroom to attend the IR. The student will be removed by a member of staff and this will result in a fixed term suspension as a consequence for defiance of a member of staff and disrupting the learning of themselves and others.

Inclusion Room (IR)
A day in the IR equates to 5 full lessons, a break, lunch and an after-school detention. During this time, students will continue with their learning in isolation, and they will be asked to reflect on their behaviour and identify steps forward. If a student does not complete sufficient work during a lesson as outlined by the member of staff leading the IR, an additional hour will be added to their time in the IR. This will continue until 5 hours of satisfactory work has been completed in isolation.

As part of the IR 'check in' process students will be asked to hand in their phone. If a student states they do not have a phone on them we will ask the student to use a wand detector on their belongings and their person.

If a student refuses to attend the IR when instructed, this will result in a fixed term suspension with the day in the IR to be completed upon their re-admittance to the school.

Main School Detentions (MSD)
This sanction is a one hour after school detention between 3-4pm. This is supervised by school staff on rotation. During this hour students are expected to bring work to complete or read in silence.

Notification of a MSD will be through the school email system to both the student and the parent/guardian with at least 24 hours’ notice given. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to arrange alternative transportation home if this is necessary. We do not require parental consent for detentions or suspensions.

Failure to be silent and compliant in the MSD or failure to attend the MSD will result in a day in the IR.

An indicative list of reasons for the issuing of a MSD include: failure to be equipped, persistent lateness to school or lessons, failure to hand in homework and three strikes on the Ready to Learn card.

Reasonable Adjustments
Students who have an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) or identified additional need(s) will be expected to follow the behaviour policy however, reasonable adjustments will made for some individuals.
Reasonable adjustments will be planned based on advice from the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCO), Head of COIN Centre and from wider external agencies where appropriate. These alternative strategies will be communicated to all staff so that the differentiated approach for these children is both known and understood.

Reasonable adjustment plans will be reviewed on a termly basis within Pastoral Team meetings and clearly stated on supporting documentation such as EHCPs and the SEND register.
Examples of reasonable adjustment include the use of a learning break card, movement breaks and work in The Base for 1:1 support.

Students are monitored by Tutors and wider members of the Pastoral Team. If a student has a number of repeated incidents of negative behaviour support and interventions will be put in place. A range of strategies may be employed depending on the individual and their specific context. These include a student being placed on a monitoring report, parental meetings, 1:1 or group interventions to address specific behaviours and a Pastoral Support Programme (PSP). A student who does not respond to intervention over a period of time may be at risk of a Directed Offsite Provision (DOP) to another school or a permanent exclusion.

Behaviour outside the school gates
This behaviour and discipline policy covers behaviour within and outside school. Students will be sanctioned, up to and including permanent exclusion, for any behaviour which contravenes school policy when:

• Taking part in any school organised or school-related activity.
• Travelling to and from school and wearing our school uniform, or in some other way identifiable as a Broadwater School student.
Or for behaviour which at any time
• Could have repercussions for the orderly running of the school
• Poses a threat to another student or member of the public, or could adversely affect the reputation of the school.


Code of conduct for Students
1. You may not use your mobile phone during lessons, unless the teacher specifically allows you to.
2. Phones must be switched off (not just put on ‘silent’) and in bags.
3. You may not use your mobile phone at break or lunchtime.
4. You may not use your mobile phone in the toilets or changing rooms. This is to protect the privacy and welfare of other pupils.
5. You cannot take photos or recordings (either video or audio) of school staff or other pupils without their consent.
6. Avoid sharing your contact details with people you don’t know, and don’t share other people’s contact details without their consent.
7. Don’t share your phone’s passwords or access codes with anyone else.
8. Don’t use your mobile phone to bully, intimidate or harass anyone. This includes bullying, harassing or intimidating pupils or staff via:
a. Email
b. Text/messaging app
c. Social media
9. Don’t use your phone to send or receive anything that may be criminal. For instance, by ‘sexting’.
10. Rules on bullying, harassment, and intimidation apply to how you use your mobile phone even when you aren’t in school.
11. Don’t use vulgar, obscene or derogatory language while on the phone or when using social media. This language is not permitted under the school’s behaviour policy.
12. You must comply with a request by a member of staff to switch off, or turn over, a phone. Refusal to comply is a breach of the school’s behaviour policy and will be dealt with accordingly.
13. Mobile phones are not permitted in any internal or external exam or test environment. If you have a mobile phone, you will be asked to store these appropriately, or turn them over to an exam invigilator, before entering the test room. Bringing a phone into the test room can result in your exam being declared invalid.

If a mobile phone is seen it will be confiscated and stored in Student Services. On the first offence the phone will be returned at the end of the school day.
On the second and subsequent offences the phone will need to be collected by a parent/guardian. This sanction is line with Education and Inspections Act 2006) whereby schools are permitted to confiscate phones from pupils under sections 91 and 94.
If a phone is confiscated and it is the second offence your parents/guardians will be contacted regarding collection.
Refusal to follow the expectations regarding the use of mobile phones will result in the application of further sanctions in line with the school behaviour policy.
Designated Safeguarding Leads have the power to search your phone if there is reason to believe the phone contains pornographic images, or if it is being/has been used to commit an offence or cause personal injury. This includes using your phone to bully, intimidate or harass anyone during outside of school hours.